Over 1,800 businesses reached through OneRedmond and grant-funded technical assistance.
Over $4.4 Million dollars in funding obtained by businesses and nonprofits as a result of accessing programs.
Over 28,000 instances of engagement through all programs in 2022.
7,747 total attendees at 70 events.
153 new projects and start-up requests fielded.
Partnerships across the region including Small Business Development Center, the Small Business Administration, SCORE, (re)Startup425, and chambers and cities across East King County
11 Community Based Organizations partnered with on multiple projects.
Over 5,000 businesses reached through the COVID-19 relief and recovery efforts, Business Walk Programs, PPE distribution
Over 3,700 businesses walked through available financial resources
Over 2.5 Million masks and tens of thousands of hand sanitizers distributed through 11 pick up locations in East King County
Over $1.8 M in grant funds distributed with over half being women-owned businesses
Partnerships across the region including Small Business Development Center, the Small Business Administration, SCORE, (re)Startup425, and chambers and cities across East King County
The creation of OneEastside Foundation’s Eastside Small Business Recovery Fund