About The Grant
Please note: Applications for the Redmond Small Business Resiliency Grant Phase I program are no longer being accepted.
The City of Redmond has partnered with OneRedmond to create a $1.5 million Redmond Small Business Resiliency Grant Fund to help small businesses and non-profits negatively impacted by COVID-19.
The Redmond Small Business Resiliency Grant Fund will provide grants of up to $10,000 to small businesses and non-profits with physical brick & mortar locations in the City of Redmond and no more than 25 employees. These resiliency grants are partnered with advisory services geared to help our small businesses to recovery.
Click here to view the recording of the webinar on the Redmond Small Business Resiliency Grant Program that reviews the Online Application Portal and the Cash Flow & Recovery Plan Template.
Small Business Grant Details
Grant Application Window and Process
Applications are due Tuesday, September 22 at 5:00pm.
To expedite the process, submittal via the online application is preferred.
However, if you do not have the ability to fill out the application and submit online, please email smallbusinessgrant@oneredmond.org or call OneRedmond at 425.885.4014 to pick up or be mailed a hard copy application.
If you require translation services for the application, please contact OneRedmond by emailing smallbusinessgrant@oneredmond.org or calling 425.885.4014.
In addition to the application, a cash-flow analysis and recovery template form will be provided in the application portal and will be optional for application completion. We strongly encourage businesses to take the time to do this work, as this is a critical step for your recovery. In addition, the cash-flow analysis and recovery form will help us determine what types of advisory support is needed to support your specific business.
While not required, the uploading of substantial COVID-19 related expense receipts is appreciated.
Grant Funds May Be Used For:
Grant funds can be used to support the cost of business interruption due to COVID-19 as a result of required closures, voluntary closures to promote physical distancing, or decreased customer demand, including:
- Payroll expenses
- Utilities
- Machinery and equipment (Example: HVAC upgrade)
- Equipment needed to advance technology used in response to COVID-19
- Company revamp or conversion into a virtual business
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and/or sanitation supplies, equipment and services
- Modifications and changes temporarily or permanent to business operations
- Marketing
Submittal of major invoice receipts related to the above expenses is allowed and appreciated.
Eligibility to Apply:
To be eligible, businesses:
- Must be ready to or have pivoted/reopened and/or accommodated the new business environment.
- Must have generated business revenue for at least 12 months and have less than $2 million in gross annual revenue.
- Must have an active City of Redmond Business License and be in good standing with the City of Redmond and the State of Washington.
- Must have been in operation as of March 1, 2019.
- Must have a physical office or storefront within the city limits of Redmond.
- Must have at least 1 full-time equivalent but no more than 25 full-time equivalent employees.
- Can be for profit or non-profit organizations.
- Must demonstrate hardship due to COVID-19, such as loss in revenue or requirement to purchase PPE, air filtration systems, etc.
- Only one application per business will be considered. Chains (national or local with 3 or more locations) will not be eligible for awards.
- Be able to explain and show how funding can be used in the immediate term to stabilize or sustain businesses. Must provide detailed examples/ outline.
- Must comply with CARES Act provisions.
Grant Awardee Notification & Disbursement Process:
- Applicants will be notified of grant decisions via e-mail for all online applications and via letter for hard copy submittals in October 2020.
- If awarded, grant recipients will need to submit a W-9.
- Grants will be distributed by automatic payment (ACH) or check payment by October 31, 2020.
- To determine success of grant program, confidential, brief quarterly reports from awardees will be requested for first year after receipt of grant.
- Grant funds may be taxable. Please consult your financial advisor for guidance. A 1099 will be issued, as required by the IRS no later than January 2021.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the deadline:
The application period will open Wednesday, August 26, 2020. The revised grant application deadline is Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 5:00pm.
What size are awards?
Each organization selected to receive financial support may receive a grant of up to $10,000 and the organization will also receive access to OneRedmond and SBDC business advising services.
What types of businesses are eligible for support?
Businesses eligible for support through this fund must meet the following criteria:
- Demonstrated ability or readiness to pivot/reopen and/or have accommodated or plan to accommodate the new business environment.
- Be a for-profit or non-profit organization.
- Have an active City of Redmond Business License and be in good standing with the City of Redmond and the State of Washington.
- Have a physical location within the city limits of Redmond.
- Have been in operation as of March 1, 2019.
- Have at least 1 full-time equivalent but no more than 25 full-time equivalent employees.
- Have generated business revenue for at least 12 months and have less than $2M in gross Annual revenue.
- Be able to explain and show how funding can be used in the immediate term to stable or sustain business. Must provide detailed examples/outlines.
- Demonstrate hardship due to COVID-19 such as loss in revenue or requirement to purchase PPE, air filtration systems, etc.
- Only one application per business will be considered. Chains (national or local with 3 or more locations) will not be eligible for awards.
What can the funds be used for?
Grant funds can be used to support the cost of business interruption due to COVID-19 as a result of required closures, voluntary closures to promote physical distancing, or decreased customer demand, including:
- Payroll expenses
- Utilities
- Machinery and equipment (Example: HVAC upgrade)
- Equipment needed to advance technology used in response to COVID-19
- Company revamp or conversion into a virtual business
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and/or sanitation supplies, equipment and services
- Modifications and changes temporarily or permanent to business operations
- Marketing
Why are you providing a Cash Flow & Recovery& Plan Template?
A cash flow statement is a valuable measure of strength, profitability, and of the long-term future outlook for a company. The Cash Flow & Recovery Plan Template will help give the evaluation committee a feel for the general health of the company as well as additional information on your recovery plan and projected expenses.
How will awards be prioritized?
Eligible candidates will be assessed based on demonstrated need, including, but not limited to:
- Qualifying as a diverse business that can demonstrate ownership by underrepresented groups including, but not limited to, veterans, minorities and low-income men and women.
- Demonstrating actions and plans to pivot your business during this pandemic
What is the evaluation and selection process?
Applications will be submitted online. At the end of the application window, all submissions will be reviewed by a Grant Review Panel comprised of local experts and advocates using a standardized evaluation matrix.
Funding decisions will be made within 30 days after the application deadline. If there are remaining funds due to non-acceptance of the grant dollars, a new two-week window will be given for new applications. This will be ongoing until all funds are disbursed.
What is the rationale for up to 25 Full-Time equivalent FTEs?
As a small business grant program, limiting the total number of FTE equivalents ensures that the dollars are being directed to those businesses that have more limited resources but have created jobs that support the community, stabilize, and grow the economic base. The maximum number of 25 FTEs has also been a standard of other grants in the region.
Will the requirement to be in good standing with the City of Redmond impact businesses having challenges with paying their utility bills?
If the company entered into a utility payment plan, it will still qualify under good standing.
If you have questions, please e-mail OneRedmond at smallbusinessgrant@oneredmond.org