Thinking of Selling Your Business?
The thought of selling a business can be relieving albeit bittersweet for some, or a difficult experience for others. As you consider your options, consulting with professionals who can advise you of your options may be of interest.
Below is listing of tools and local contacts that may be able to assist you evaluate your current business model and help you decide the right next step.

No-Cost Advising Services at Your Disposal
Shawn Palmer, ASBC, MSML is a Washington Small Business Development Center Advisor based in the OneRedmond office. Contact Shawn at shawnp@oneredmond.org or connect using the link below.
Contact ShawnConsider Engaging a Full Service Brokerage Firm
For complete-package assistance with selling a business, you may want to research and reach out to local full-service business brokerage firms. Contact our Business Advisor for more information.