Locate Your Business In Redmond

Redmond is a great place to do business. Large businesses are attracted to Redmond’s well-educated, technically advanced, and culturally diverse work force. Small businesses thrive with the support of market opportunities presented by major employers, the purchasing power of an affluent workforce, and the region’s growing culture of innovation. Whether you run a family business or a multi-national corporation, you will find a friendly city with nurturing public policies committed to supporting growth through investment in quality transportation, civic infrastructure, education, and world-class customer service.

Looking to locate in Redmond?

OneRedmond provides customized no-cost site selection services for companies seeking to locate or expand in Redmond and the Eastside. We are knowledgeable of the regional inventory of office and flex buildings and are well-networked with regional property owners and developers. Contact us for more details.

There are so many things to do when you are looking for new space. Our team developed this checklist and guide below to help you on this journey. Remember, we are just an email or call away if you need assistance.

Incentives and Taxes

The City of Redmond and the State of Washington offer a variety of tax advantages to businesses, including no personal or corporate income tax, and deferrals and credits for specific high growth industries. Contact OneRedmond to discuss how your business can best take advantage of the tax incentives available in our region.

Talent & Workforce

Redmond has the talent to drive your business. Employees in Redmond and throughout the Innovation Triangle are some of the highest educated in the United States, with over 62% having attained a bachelor’s degree or higher.


Link Light Rail is being extended to Redmond. Once completed in 2025, it will provide a 30-minute transit time to downtown Seattle and 14-minute trip to Bellevue. Today, Redmond businesses and residents benefit from an integrated transportation system that includes over 54 miles of bike and pedestrian trails and standard and express bus connections to employment centers including Bellevue, Kirkland and Seattle. Click here to learn more about the East Link Extension Project in Redmond.

Civic Engagement

OneRedmond is a structured public/private partnership of the local and regional businesses community, and the City of Redmond. As such we have the ability to work with government to communicate and resolve business issues not available through other business organizations. OneRedmond develops and promotes policies that improve the local and regional business environment.